Prayer & Bible Study Groups
Our church believes in the power of prayer, and various prayer and Bible study groups meet in the church or in people’s homes.
Bible Study Groups (HOme groups)
Several home groups meet for Bible study, to pray together and enjoy social activities. Most of these groups meet in the evening but some take place during the day.
If you would like to join one of these groups, please see Rev. Shirlyn or Bev Tydeman.
Church Bible Study
This is usually held on the 1st and 3rd Mondays at 7.30pm, in church, led by Rev. Shirlyn. The next study will be on Monday 31st March 2025, when we will continue our very helpful study of the Book of Revelation, looking at chapter 6. Please join us.
Prayer with a Purpose
2nd and 4th Wednesdays, 7.30-8.30pm at church, unless the church diary/website specifies something different. Ruth Cooper usually leads these prayer times.
This prayer group is set up specifically to pray for the vision and way forward for Royal Wootton Bassett Methodist Church. It consists of a time of listening to God, some prayers for specific things in the town, as people are led, and sometimes a prayer walk in a particular area. These activities are experimental as we try to discern what God is asking of us and are likely to change as we feel God leading us.
Any change to these patterns or timings will be shown in the church diary here and usually also on our Facebook page here.
Prayer circle
A team of church members are always available to receive prayer requests from fellow members. The team believe in the power of prayer for every life situation.
Details are carefully taken of the need and shared in the strictest confidence with other members of the prayer team as is considered appropriate.
If anyone needs prayer, either for themselves or a family member or friend, please contact Gillian Griffiths (daytime) or Ruth Cooper (evenings).
A Prayer Book is also available in the church foyer for members to add prayer requests for themselves or others. These prayers are shared with the congregation at the Sunday service following the date the entry is made.
(Often used at the beginning of our Worship Services):
Lord God,
As we pray, we remember
Your presence with us,
Your power within us,
Your love which surrounds us.
Guide us in our speaking,
inspire us in our thinking,
minister in our listening,
that in your mission
we may not falter,
but work to share Your love and grace with all,
through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
"Prayer is a declaration of dependence upon God." Philip Yancey (1949-), author.