Messy church
Church, but not as you know it...
BRF's* Messy Church is a form of church that involves creativity, celebration and hospitality, and enables people of all ages to belong to Christ together through their local church. It meets at a time and on a day that suits local families and is particularly aimed at people who have never belonged to a church before.
For more information on Messy Church RWB look for the link below.
* Bible Reading Fellowship
Here are our sessions up to and including summer 2025:
- Saturday 15th February 10.30am - c.12:30pm
- Saturday 15th March 10.30am - c.12:30pm
- Saturday 19th April 10.30am - c.12:30pm
- Saturday 17th May 10.30am - c.12:30pm
- Saturday 21st June 10.30am - c.12:30pm
- Saturday 19th July 10.30am - c.12:30pm
Each Saturday session concludes with a delicious lunch.
The Messy Leadership Team have prepared a very helpful piece about Messy Church RWB for our Weekly Notices. You can access it here.
For more information please contact us.
Some images from our Messy Nativity on 10th December 2023 are available on this page