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How do we arrange a funeral? 

Most people will use the services of a local Funeral Director, who will provide advice and organise all the practical arrangements. If you would like a funeral to involve the church and a local Minister, it is a good idea to find out if they are available before booking the time and date of the service.

The person who has died may have left details of the sort of funeral that they hoped for. Ministers will want to support families in keeping to such arrangements as much as possible and in making the service a personal and appropriate occasion. Taking funerals is an important part of the Minister's work and he or she will take time to visit families, offering comfort and support before and after the funeral itself.

Burials and Cremations

Few Methodist churches have burial grounds and those that do are mostly full, so burials usually take place at the local cemetery. Just over half of funerals today are cremations and services may take place entirely at the crematorium or as well as a church service. A Funeral Director can usually make these arrangements.


The time between a person's death and their funeral is often very busy and full of practical arrangements. Often it is only after the funeral that the full extent of loss affects the bereaved.

Grieving is a natural and important part of coming to terms with and healing this loss and it may continue for several months. There are people in most local churches who have experienced loss and they are often the best people to offer support in the months and years following a death. Ministers may be able to offer help or find others who can provide such friendship and support.

(From the website of the Methodist Church in the U.K.)


If you would like to find out more, please fill in the contact form or contact our Minister Shirlyn at