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What is the first step?

Marriage preparation is provided at a local level by the Circuit Ministers. The best route is to start making links with the Minister likely to conduct the wedding. As part of the legal process, prospective marriage partners will need to go to the local Registry Office and will be given a copy of a book called 'Married Life', which is a helpful resource for people thinking about the implications of getting married. The Methodist Church produced a Christian Preparation for Marriage report in 1998. There is also an ecumenical website about marriage preparation.

One of us is divorced. Is that OK?

The Methodist Church is generally willing to marry people who have been divorced, while their previous spouse is still alive, as long as there are no major obvious reasons why it would be inappropriate to do so. There are some Ministers who are unwilling, as a matter of conscience, to marry someone who has been divorced, but such a Minister will refer the couple to a Minister who is willing to marry divorced people.

Does one of us have to be a Methodist?

People wanting to marry in church don't have to be members of the church, but most Ministers will ask them why they wish to marry in church. A church marriage is a solemn Christian ceremony, with prayers and Bible readings reflecting Christian understandings of what marriage is about. Most Ministers will look for a genuine desire on the part of a couple to take their marriage seriously along the lines set out in the service. Discussing what this means in practice will be part of the marriage preparation.

What if we are from two different denominations?

Many marriages in Methodist churches include people from different Christian denominations. Where two people from different church traditions marry, it is quite possible for Ministers from both churches to take part in the ceremony and this is welcomed.

What about same-sex marriage?

At RWB Methodist Church we strive as a church family to be a safe place for all people and are committed to growing in our understanding of diversity.

In 2021, and following prayerful consideration, the Methodist Conference voted to confirm provisional resolutions on same-sex marriages conducted on Methodist premises. RWB Methodist Church Council subsequently voted on this matter and, in 2022, our church building was officially registered to hold both opposite-sex and same-sex marriages.

For further information regarding same-sex marriages, please contact Jenny Corkett at

See Marriage and Relationships on the website of Methodist Church UK.


For all weddings, in the first instance, you should contact our minister Shirlyn by emailing