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Welcome to Royal Wootton Bassett Methodist Church. All are welcome and invited to join with us on our journey of faith.

As a church, we want to grow in our love for, and knowledge of, the Lord Jesus Christ while our mission is to serve the community in Royal Wootton Bassett. We want people to come to know Jesus, and we recognise that for many they have to know we care before they care about what we know.

We believe in both prayer and practical action to enable us to fulfil God’s purposes. This is only made possible with the Holy Spirit’s help and the love, encouragement and fellowship of the church family.


10:30am Morning Worship

except 2nd Sunday in the month, when we have....

9:00am   Holy Communion
10:30am Morning Worship

and on the 4th Sunday.....

10:30am Service of Holy Communion

Find out more